Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine's Cookie Musings

I've been toying around with the idea of a Valentine's Day cookie for a little while and this morning I had a few ideas that I wanted to jot down. The usual "sugar cookie with crumbly royal icing" has always seemed a little insipid to me, especially where Valentine's Day is concerned. Those cookies are fine if they're representing some kind of little schoolgirl crush, but I want a sexy cookie (yeah, I said it.) A cookie that evokes the deep, toe-curling, passionate feeling of full-blown love.

I've never really invented my own dessert before, as the measurements tend to be so precise. But I'm feeling adventurous, so here are some ideas:

-browning the butter first and cooking it with the brown sugar to caramelize it.
-use only brown sugar to increase the depth of flavor
-Use about 2 T of cocoa powder to add a little bit of bitterness
-Red food coloring! Lots of red food coloring
-Spices. I used to make little red velvet cupcakes with lots of cloves, since I figured red velvet should taste like something. Maybe bring those cloves back a little bit.

Photography ideas:
-Cookie jar full of heart cookies
-above shot of heart cookie on a white plate
-Make a paper rose? use that as a prop? 

So hopefully when all is said and done we'll have a complex, nutty, dark, spicy, red heart-shaped little cookie. I would set to work now but I've got 85 pages of a teens-and-social-media report to read. Poop. In the meantime, there's this:

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